Reading and Writing for Social Action: Ch. 5 Struggling and Difficulty in Reading - Allison McGahey
Chapter 5: Struggling and Difficulty in Reading Who is a struggling reader? Are we all struggling readers? In this chapter I felt as if I could relate to being a 'struggling' reader. In the fifth grade I did not meet the expectation of being a 'good' reader on a standardized test, and so they put me in tutoring. I remember feeling so embarrassed and feeling so terrible about myself and my reading skills. I had never struggled with reading, until this test. "A poor score on a test may mean simply that a reader struggles with the test, not with reading something she is interested in" (Bomer K. & Bomer R. pg 89). During this time I was aware I was a bad test taker, and thinking back this was probably my same issue. Not the reading. I think it is important as future teachers that we look more into the student and not just a test score. But what is a struggling reader? I loved how the article said, "Anyone can struggle. (pg.89) Struggling ...